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President of HNUST Jiang Lizhong Endorses Excellent Graduates Via Live Broadcasting

On the afternoon of June 3rd, Jiang Lizhong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Hunan University of Science and Technology (HNUST), participated in a series of activities sponsored by Hunan Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security to endorse 2024 graduates of HNUST, opening up new pathways for graduate employment, and to establish a new platform to facilitate school-enterprise partnership.

As a "double first-class" construction university in Hunan Province and a model university in China for its exemplary work in graduate employment and job placement, HNUST closely keeps pace with the time and focuses on Industry-University-Research Collaboration. It has formed distinctive disciplinary characteristics and scientific research advantages in many fields. Remarkable achievements have been accomplished in areas like the all-round development of students, enhancement of competitiveness of graduates in employment, and promotion of employment and entrepreneurship of graduates. In the live broadcast, President Jiang introduced the resumes of a few unemployed graduates one by one. She highlighted their expertise, practical achievements and personal qualities, to encourage enterprises to watch the live broadcast to actively recruit these young talents.

At the live broadcast, representatives of the recommended graduates were also invited to the studio. Shen Da, a graduate of Optoelectronic Information Science and Engineering, expressed his strong interest in optoelectronic design and his hope to exert his expertise in the field to support China's intelligent manufacturing upgrade efforts.

The event attracted many well-known enterprises to watch it online. The number of online viewers reached more than 140,000, and leaders from the recruiting departments of these enterprises interacted and asked questions during the live broadcast.

Jiang further pointed out that HNUST advocates "Obtain employment first, then choose a career, and then consider starting one's own business if desired." She encouraged students to consider employment opportunities in the Western China, to serve the needs of the grassroots communities, and to go wherever their skills and talents are needed most to help develop the country. HNUST is committed to promoting opportunities for students through visiting companies and exploring employment options. Key methods include policy initiatives, leadership support, strong collaboration, organization of career fairs and events, and utilization of online job platforms. In order to promote high quality and full employment of graduates, HNUST has broadened students' access to the job market and improved the quality of services by giving full play to the role of the main channel of campus recruitment.




(Translated by TAN Jingni and CHEN Na)