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Director of Education Department of Hunan Province Investigated the University



    On the afternoon of March 13, Wang Keming, the director of the Department of Education and Party Secretary of the Hunan province, and Jiang Ming, the Secretary of Education Committee of Hunan province, investigated our school laboratories accompanied by Liu Deshun, the Party Secretary of our university.


    After the work report by the university leaders, Wang Kemin spoke highly of the university leadership and quick development in terms of school connotation development, morality education, and scientific research and so on. He appreciated the basic development ideas and objectives of comprehensive education reform of the university, which had specific plans and accurate orientations focusing on key issues. He said with a particular emphasis that the university should focus on the development of collaborative innovation and vitalize the education characteristics and connotation development.


    The investigation groups visited laboratories, including the Comprehensive and Wind Tunnel Laboratory in the School of Civil Engineering, the Comprehensive Laboratory and the High Precision Manufacturing Technology Laboratory in the School of Energy, and laboratories in the School of Art, and reviewed their introduction and reports about lab work. Wang Kemin appreciated highly of the forward-looking of the construction of laboratory and the creative activities by students in our university. In the end, he put forward suggestions and requirements on further development of the laboratory.


(Translated by Zhou Sha, Wang Jing)